Shout Out:
Throughout the day yell, “FACT CHECK!”.
The students will repeat with the fact found on their watch that day.
Teach It: Make it a daily routine during morning
meeting and/or end of the day meeting to have students turn to a partner and
teach the fact of the day. Encourage
them to use manipulatives or visuals.
Math Center: Lay
out all of the materials needed for this center (glue sticks, scissors, light
colored crays/markers) and have students put them together. Again, explain to
students that they should help one another when gluing them on.
Fact Fluency Circling: After each timed fact fluency assessment have
students circle the fact of the day (which ever watch they are wearing that
day) with a highlighter.
Exit Slips: I always have blank exit slips pre-made in a
basket by the door. I included the one I use. Before they exit for lunch, specials, or the
end of the day have them write a story problem for the fact of the day (which
ever watch they are wearing that day).
Yes, I will still have timed assessments (I know....yuck!). I will also be watching through formative assessments like Exit Slips to see who's got it and who still needs extra help.