Spunky Characters

Our character trait unit was getting so boring AND it's coming up in a week!  I have done the same thing for years!!! I, of course, tried funky anchor charts but what were the kids truly getting out of that?  I looked at the grade level content really carefully and asked myself this question, "What do I really want my kids to take away from this?".  The answer to that was simple COMPREHENSION! I want them to know that if they understand their character's actions and feelings, they will also understand their book better.  These kids of skills will stick with them for a lifetime. Try this one out and let me know what you think.  IT'S ONLY $1.25!

Finding Time

I really have the best of intentions.  I try really hard to make sure my student's day is jam packed with meaningful subject matter.  Word Work has been a hot topic in my grade level this year (and the one thing that I am just not in love with).  I have been hearing for a while now from other experts that sentence dictation is something that is a true blue resource in their classroom.  Throughout the year you watch your students develop more know how in editing, writing skills, and grammar.  I am pumped to bring this back into the classroom.  10 minutes per day!  Make time for it Amanda!!!

Data Driven Fact Families

     Exit slips are amazing.  In fact, I have to get a few on here to show how wonderful they are for fast data throughout your week (OR YEAR!).  That said, I noticed last week 16 out of 27 students missed a fact family question last week.  While I was doing lesson plans yesterday I started putting this together for an easy math center.  My data is telling me these kids are going to need it!  I didn't get a nap this weekend because of it!  Below you will find my fact family center (WITH a bonus activity) and my data forms, which includes my handy dandy exit slips.

Eddie is Sick!

So my son Eddie was sick this past Friday.  I knew I had to stay home.  It was Friday...I got to spend time with my boys...I could catch up on laundry...I should be happy to take the day off!  Unfortunately, with our job you cannot just call in.  I HATE making sub lesson plans.  It's just so much work.  I took the time on Friday and this morning to finally finish my 3rd Grade Emergency Lesson Plans.  I have had it done forever, I just need to make it look pretty. My hopes are that this product will take the stress out of your day off.

Intervention Needs!

Three weeks have now come and gone.  I can officially say I am in love with these 27 students.  I have such a hard working group with a verity of personalities and needs.  I have found myself up late over the past few weeks (with a glass of wine in my hand) trying to figure out how I am going to reach the sweet and lows AND also see the rest of my 20 students on a daily basis.  I think I have figured it out.  My plan of attack is small group interventions.  I am going to create as many small group/ hands-on interventions as I can muster.  This will include K-1 skills that still need to be practiced by these little ones.  While they do independent practice I plan on visiting with the rest of my 2nd graders.  I will keep you updated on how this pans out.  Here is my fist creation.  I hope you can use it in your classroom also.
 Touch and Read Intervention

Number Sense

Numbers are hard!  Some kids get it and others have a very hard time seeing the big picture.  I know I did when I was in 2nd grade.  Small number sense groups are a fab way to teach kids where to start when problem solving.  Visual and kinesthetic tools are what seems to work best. 

Best Teaching Blog Ever...and Most Funny!

Welcome to the best teaching blog in the world. You have a front row seat to my 2nd grade classroom and nonstop wit.  I plan to make this site more snazzy once I have more coin.  School just started and I Visa is maxed out from buying pencil toppers and colored ink for my printer....which, will both will be gone in a week.
If you choose to follow me, and I hope you do, plan on many free product updates and belly laughs.  I have great (exaggerated) stories from my teaching.

My first free product backs up my love for Math Workshop.  Math Workshop has turned my students thinking and data around.  As the weeks fly by this school year you will be able to see first hand the unbelievable power of students learning from each other.  Hope you enjoy my first of many freebies!
Math Workshop Rotations